[논문 리뷰 스터디] Graph Attention Networks [GAT, ICLR 2018] + Vision GNN: An Image is Worth Graph of Nodes [NeurIPS 2022]
작성자: 15기 이승은
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RNN으로 Graph 구조의 데이터를 다루기 → 그 이후
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(+) Vision GNN: An Image is Worth Graph of Nodes [NeurIPS 2022]
(기존 연구 한계)
The widely-used convolutional neural network and transformer treat the image as a grid or sequence structure,
which is not flexible to capture irregular and complex objects.
We first split the image to a number of patches which are viewed as nodes,
and construct a graph by connecting the nearest neighbors.
Based on the graph representation of images, we build our ViG model to transform and exchange information among all the nodes.
ViG consists of two basic modules:
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